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The attractions of real estate investment in Marrakech

The attractions of real estate investment in Marrakech

For several years, the Moroccan government has been actively working to make Morocco and Marrakech an attractive tourist destination and an interesting place for real estate investments. To achieve this goal, it has put in place tax and financial legislation conducive to private investment. Thus, anyone who buys a guest house or an approved hotel in Marrakech benefits from a tax exemption for a period of five years on tax on foreign payments / receipts - then for another period of five years at a reduced rate of 50% of this tax. In addition, they are exempt for five years from professional tax - or rental tax. In addition, they benefit from a residence tax reduction for five years.

BANNAN Real Estate, your real estate agency in Marrakech, accompanies you in your property acquisition project in Marrakech and guides you throughout the stages of the operation. Residents also benefit from some attractive incentives for their investment. The French do not pay wealth tax (ISF) and are exempt from CSG and CRDS (social contribution) on income from French sources. The CGT rate is set at only 20%, and there is an exemption from CGT on the main residence if it has been occupied for eight years or more. Inheritance tax on real estate is also non-existent. Personal effects and household furniture imported to furnish a new property are exempt from import duty if acquired more than six months prior to admission to Morocco. In addition, residents are exempt from paying rental income tax for a period of three years after the completion of any construction. Thereafter, they will benefit from a reduction of 40%. Retired residents are also advantaged since their taxation is very low. The French, for example, benefit from an 80% tax reduction calculated on the amount of the pension they transfer to Morocco on a convertible account.

Thus, the tax and financial advantages offered by the Moroccan government, combined with the beauty and uniqueness of Marrakech, make it an attractive destination for real estate investors and an excellent investment opportunity.